Species – Imported
Top portion is finished with water-base finish; bottom with oil-based finish
Color: Dark reddish brown.
Grain: Striped figuring in quartersawn selections; texture is even and very fine.
Variations Within Species And Grades: Moderate color variation
Sawing/Machining: Moderately difficult due to hardness; carbide tooling recommended.
Sanding: Sands satisfactorily.
Nailing: No known problems.
Finishing: Oil residue may be a problem. This can be eliminated by wiping with the appropriate 100% pure (not recycled) solvent before the sealer is applied.
Comments Some respiratory/allergic reaction potential. Origin: South America
Hardness/Janka: Janka:2200; (71% harder than Northern red oak).
Dimensional Stability: Above average (6.2; 28% more stable than red oak).
Durability: Availability
Readily available.